Light of Hope Diocesan Mission: June 2024

We are delighted to announce plans for our Diocesan Mission this June!
A group of 23 Canadian Missionaries from Catholic Christian Outreach™ (CCO™) will arrive in the diocese on 11th June following a week-long Parish Mission in the Diocese of Raphoe. They will help to facilitate a mission here in the diocese from 12th – 16th June.
Their mission, which is aimed at all age groups, will include activities such as meeting & greeting parishioners after morning Masses, Lightfever, Street Outreach, Encounter event for Young Adults, Music, Prayer and Testimony.
They will also facilitate three training sessions for all who are involved throughout the diocese in any area of ministry in our parishes and who would like to grow in confidence in their faith and in their ability to intentionally share with others, and create an invitational culture in our parishes. We would hope to see those who are involved, for example, in any aspect of Parish Liturgy, in Parish Pastoral Councils or Leadership Teams, Alpha Teams, Parish Faith Reps, Legion of Mary, and so on, attend a training event as a way of growing in our confidence and skills in knowing and sharing our faith.
The highlight of the mission will be a special diocesan afternoon of celebration at Mount Melleray on Sunday 16th June, with prayer at the Abbey, Pilgrim Walks, time for personal prayer and reflection, as well as fellowship and chat.
A full schedule will follow shortly on
Please help us spread the word!
For more information on Catholic Christian Outreach™ (CCO™) go to