12 Parish Faith Reps Commissioned on 20th September 2024

On Friday 20th September 12 new Parish Faith Reps were commissioned by Bishop Cullinan in the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, committing two years to collaborating with the Ascend Strategic Plan for Youth & Young Adult Ministry in a voluntary capacity in their parish, in whatever way they can, with whatever gifts and talents they have.
On Friday night, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Officer Nodlaig Lillis told them, “being commissioned tonight means you have heard a call in your heart to work with young people to help them encounter Jesus. That call may have come through hearing a Mass talk, or seeing a poster, or from the maybe not-so-gentle nudge of your parish priest… but you answered, and with the Task Force for the past nearly 6 months, you have prayed, and discerned and trained… and are now ready to commit to two years in your parish, with as much time as you can practically manage. In a world where so many can sit on the fence and say, “oh there’s nothing happening for young people”… you stepped forward, bravely, and have bought into our vision for youth and young adult ministry.”
We look forward to working with and supporting these Faith Reps, along with the 20 Faith Reps who were commissioned last year over the coming months and years ahead.
20 Faith Reps commissioned on 29th September 2023

As part of the Ascend Strategic Plan for Youth & Young Adult Ministry in the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore which was launched in March 2023, twenty Faith Representatives representing eleven parishes were commissioned for the diocese on Friday 29th September in the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, Waterford. The role of a Faith Rep will vary from parish to parish, but they will all aim to walk intentionally with youth and young adults on their journey of faith, offering meaningful opportunities for them to encounter Jesus. Collaborating with the Strategic plan, they will aim to respond to the needs of their parishes, supported by the Diocesan Strategic Task Force for Youth & Young Adult Ministry. Coming from a variety of backgrounds and experience, the newly commissioned Faith Reps are people of real faith, with a heart for young people, who have received training and support from the diocese over the past few months and will continue to be supported and mentored as they embrace their exciting new role for the next two years.
Youth & Young Adult Ministry Officer, Nodlaig Lillis commended the Faith Reps last Friday night for bravely stepping forward, offering their time and talents when an easier option is to do nothing and complain. Nodlaig explained: “Ascend Youth & Young Adult Ministry is inspired by the motto of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati – one of the patrons and inspirations for the diocesan vision for youth ministry: “Verso l’alto!” (To the Heights). We believe in meeting young people where they are at but leading them onwards and upwards towards an encounter with Christ, a sacramental encounter with Jesus: the Way for those who need guidance, the Light for those in darkness, the Truth that cuts through confusion and doubt. To use a simple mountain analogy, some of our Faith Reps might be the ones actively leading the expedition itself up the mountain top with young people, some might be the ones who plan the outing and ensure people have a lift to get there, some might be the smiling face that extends the invitation or puts up the posters and social media posts to advertise the event, others might be the ones with the very welcome flask of tea and sandwiches after the hike, others might just be the encouragers who say “Well done, we knew you could do it!” and listen to the experience the young people had.”
Ascend Strategic Task Force Members: Bishop Cullinan, Nodlaig Lillis, Sr Kathryn Press, Olivia Elliott, Shauna McGrath, Maura Murphy.