What can you expect? A great talk, music and a time of prayer with other young adults, followed by pizza and chat afterwards! Donation only! For more info contact [email protected] or ring / text (085) 8623704 or to receive information about this and future events sign up here

Check out Youth 2000 Ireland (for ages 16 – 35): www.youth2000.ie

To the Heights is our Weekly Diocesan Youth Newsletter, with Gospel-themed resources, music, apps, testimonies, challenges and more…
Ascend Weekly Resource:
Check out our newest weekly resource. Use it in RE classes, with youth groups or in your own home! Check out the suggested activities, questions to reflect on, video and music content, Scripture links and prayer ideas too! Just follow the hyperlinks to access the videos and music!
Check out our other Ascend YM resources in the drop-down menu below!

Download our resource packs:
Helpful Resource Packs for Schools
- Exam Liturgy Resources
- Season of Creation
- REnewal Conference Resource Pack 2022
- Prayer Spaces in Schools Pack 2022
- Pope John Paul II Award Diocesan Brochure
- Beginning of School Year Resource Pack
- End of Year Reflections
- Graduation Liturgy Resource Pack
- Exam Prayer Service
- The Chosen Resource Guide (Season 1)
- Sr Clare Crockett Pack
- Bl. Carlo Acutis Pack
- Cloud of Witnesses Pack (November / All Saints)
- Stations of the Cross Resource Pack
- Pentecost Resource Pack
- Advent / Christmas Resource Pack
- Lenten Resource Pack
Faith Matters
- Trust the Process (John 11:1-45)
- God’s Providence [John 6:1-15]
- Provide the Loaves and Fish (Luke 9:11-17 )
- First Fruits (Is God the Centre of your life?) (Luke 9:51-62 )
- What do we mean by faith? [Mark 6:1-6]
- Be Present to God (Matthew 4:12-23 )
- Do you struggle with faith? [Mk 10:46-52]
- Ephphatha! Be Opened! (Mark 7:31-37)
- He is Who He says He is (Jn 6:41-51)
- The Real Jesus (John 6:60-69)
- Why God Became Man [John 3:14-21]
- Water to Wine [John 2:1-11]
Life Lessons
- Dealing with Interruptions (Mark 1:21-28)
- Let’s Get to Work (Mark 1:14-20) [God has a mission for you!]
- How to Face Temptation Year A: Matthew 4:1-11 | Year B: Mark 1:12-15 | Year C:Luke 4:1-13
- Time, Talent, Treasure (Matthew 25:14-30) [How can you use your gifts and time to serve others?]
- Give God His Due (Matthew 22:15-21) [Where is God in your life?]
- Are You an Influencer (Mt 23:1-12) | (Mark 9: 30 – 37)
- Frustrated? Try a Reality Check (Mt 20:1-16)
- Pushing Through when you don’t feel like it! (Mt 21:28-32)
- Setting Boundaries (Matthew 18:15-20)
- What is Forgiveness (Mt 18:21-35) | [Luke 6:27-38]
- Take Up Your Cross Daily (Mt 16:21-27) / Mark 8:27-35
- You shall be my witnesses (Ascension, Year A) [Being a Joyful Christian Witness]
- Philosophy 101: Truth (Jn 14:1-12)
- Spiritual Blind Spots (John 9:1-41)
- Trust the Process (John 11:1-45) [God’s ways are not our ways]
- Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16) [Being the salt of the earth]
- Life Goals (John 1:29-34 )
- Choose Joy [Matthew 5:1-12] | [Luke 6:17,20-26]
- Faithful in the Little Things [Lk 16:1-13 ]
- Attitude of Gratitude [Luke 17:11-19]
- Vanity Check [Luke 14:1,7-14]
- The Test of Three [Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48] (Gossip)
- God’s Timing [Mark 5:21-43]
- Know Your Heart! [Luke 5:1-11] [Struggling to motivate yourself]
- Do you have what it takes to be a superhero? [Mark 10:35-45]
- Who do you spend your time with? [John 6:60-69]
- Do you struggle with faith? [Mk 10:46-52]
- God’s Providence [John 6:1-15]
- What’s your burden? [Mark 6:30-34]
- Be a cheerful giver! [Mark 12:38-44]
- No Couch Potatoes Allowed (Pope Francis Reflection)
- What do we mean by faith? [Mark 6:1-6]
- What should I do? (Discernment)
- A Future not our own (Oscar Romero)
- Need to declutter your life? (Mark 6:7-13) | Mark 10:17-30
- Letter to my Future Self
- Ephphatha! Be Opened! (Mark 7:31-37) [Receive God’s love for you!]
- 1% Rule (New Year) [Lk 3:15-16, 21-22]
- Growth Mindset [Luke 4:21-30]
- In my opinion… [Luke 6:39-45 ]
- 3 x 5 Daily Examen (Lk 9:28-36) / (Matthew 17: 1-9) / Blank Template
- Cast the First Stone [John 8:1-11] [Using a mirror not a magnifying glass!]
- Provide the Loaves and Fish (Luke 9:11-17) [God’s Providence]
- First Fruits (Luke 9:51-62 ) (Is God the Centre of your life?)
- Living in the Present (John 14:23-29 )
- Water to Wine [John 2:1-11]
Prayer with the heart
- How to Pray
- Let God and Let God reflection
- Pier Giorgio Frassati Litany
- I thirst for You (Mother Teresa)
- Holy Week Prayer Time
- Doodle Prayer: Remain in Me
- The Rosary
- Lectio Divina Guide
- A Guide to Confession
- 3 x 5 Daily Examen and Template
- Litany of Humility
- The Angelus
- What Forgiveness Means
- The Battle of Prayer
- Divine Mercy
- Bible Passages in Times of need
- End of Year Reflection ideas
- Prayer Spaces Pack
Love One Another
Game Changer Series (Saints & Heroes)
- St Bernadette of Lourdes (I want my whole life to be inspired by love)
- A Saint? Who? Me?
- Cardinal Van Thuan (Hope and Joy!)
- Bl. Chiara Luce Badano (If you want it Jesus, so do I!)
- St Maximilian Kolbe (Martyr of Auschwitz)
- Fr Emil Kapaun (Servant of God: From farm field to battle field)
- St Therese of Lisieux
- Sr Clare Crockett (All or Nothing!)
- St Faustina (Divine Mercy)
- St Francis of Assisi
- Blessed Carlo Acutis | Carlo Acutis Posters | Carlo Acutis Novena
- Cloud of Witnesses (All Saints / Saint Protector Projects)
- Mexican Martyrs (Blessed Miguel Pro, St Louis Sanchez del Rio)
- Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice
- St Patrick
- Little Nellie of Holy God video
- Padre Pio
- St Brigid of Ireland (presentation) | Handout
Blessed Carlo Acutis
- Blessed Carlo Acutis Resource Pack
- Blessed Carlo Acutis Presentation
- Carlo Acutis Posters
- Carlo Acutis Novena
- Blessed Carlo Acutis Ascend video
- Videos for Primary Schools from Campa Mhuire Mháthair
- Blessed Carlo Acutis Shrine at Holy Family Church, Ardfinnan.
The Liturgical Year
Advent | Christmas | Lent & Holy Week | Easter |
Online Advent Calendar (2021) | |||
Holy Week: | |||
Encountering the Eucharist
- Eye-Opening, Life-Changing (Lk 24:13-35)
- Blessed Carlo Acutis | Carlo Acutis Posters | Carlo Acutis Novena
- He is Who He says He is (John 6:41-51)
- Bored by Mass? [John 6:24-35] | I don’t get anything out of Mass (Jn 6:51-58
- Provide the Loaves and Fish (Luke 9:11-17 )
- Eucharistic Miracles, Mystics and Martyrs
Confession / Forgiveness / Reconciliation
- What is Forgiveness (Mt 18:21-35)
- What forgiveness means [Luke6:27-38]
- Woman at the Well [John 4:5-42]
- Spiritual Blind Spots (John 9:1-41)
- Leaving 99 (Does God love some more than others?) [Luke15:1-32]
- PRAYER: Litany of Humility
- Arms Open Wide [Luke15:1-3,11-32]
- Cast the First Stone [John 8:1-11]
- 3 x 5 Daily Examen (Lk 9:28-36) / (Matthew 17: 1-9) / Blank Template
- Witness to Mercy
- The Call of Matthew
Our Lady
Sr Clare Crockett Resource Pack
"The Chosen" Resource Pack
Episode Links for Season 1:
- Episode 1: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E1
- Episode 2: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E2
- Episode 3: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E3
- Episode 4: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E4
- Episode 5: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E5
- Episode 6: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E6
- Episode 7: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E7
- Episode 8: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen/watch?vid=S1:E8
Wallpaper graphics:
Revive your life

Are you tired of being bored? Frustrated? Feeling restless?
Join with Holy Family Mission in association with Ascend Youth Ministry for REVIVE for a live stream event for young people on www.holyfamilymission.ie With music, prayer and time for sharing how God has worked in our lives!
Check back here for upcoming dates.
At a time when the outside world has stopped, come to revive your life! Click here to learn more!
Check out the Bible in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz!

Available on: Spotify / YouTube / Apple Podcasts / Website
Check out the Catechism in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz!

With this podcast, Catholics will:
- Read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days
- Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter
- See how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture
- Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition
- Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness
- Transform their relationship with the Church that Christ founded.
If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life—this podcast is for you!
Available on: Spotify / YouTube / Apple Podcasts / Website

Youth & Young Adult Ministry Officer:
Nodlaig Lillis is a native of the Cloyne Diocese and began working as Diocesan Youth & Young Adult Ministry Officer in the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore in September 2020. She is a qualified English and Religious Education teacher. Nodlaig also has a Diploma in New Evangelisation and Youth Ministry, as well as a Certificate in Studies in Catechism of the Catholic Church from Maryvale Institute. Her experience in parish ministry includes serving as Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist and of the Word, delivery of Sacramental Preparation Programmes for Children and their parents, Music Ministry, Youth 2000 Prayer Group leader, and Parish Web design and Social media. A former Munster Regional Leader with Youth 2000, Nodlaig was very also involved in the areas of Music Coordination and PR. She worked for four years on “Teen SpiriT: A Celebration of Teen Talent and Christian Faith” in the Kerry Diocese, and for the past ten years has worked extensively with Summer Faith Camps in Ardmore, Dungarvan and Tramore, as well as in the Cloyne, Limerick and Kerry Dioceses, including the online Campa Mhuire Mháthair in July and December 2020.
The Youth Ministry Office is located in St John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford City
Tel: 085 8623704
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
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