Formation & Training


The office for Pastoral Development provides a variety of services to parishes and parish groupings.

(Please click on Pastoral Areas list to show Pastoral areas and their co-ordinator’s).

It links with the Diocesan Pastoral Development team for implementing the Diocesan Pastoral Plan and supporting parishes in the implementation of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan.

  • It helps with the setting up and formation of Parish Pastoral Councils.
  • It provides in-service training for Parish Pastoral Councils.
  • It supports and resourses the development of Parish groupings/clusters.
  • It facilitates Parish Pastoral Councils, parish assemblies and parish groupings in the process of discernment and pastoral planning.
  • It designs and facilitates programmes for the theological, spiritual and practical formation of those involved in leadership groups.


Diocesan Pastoral Council
A diocesan pastoral council was established in September 2012.  Members of this council are listed below:

Ex officio members:
Bishop William Lee
Msgr. N. O’Mahony VG

Pastoral Area Representatives:

Ms. Mary Quigley, St. Otteran’s Pastoral Area
Mr. Sean Dower, St. Otteran’s Pastoral Area
Ms. Fiona Maher, St. Lawrence Pastoral Area
Mr. Christy O’Sullivan, St. Lawrence Pastoral Area
Mr. Michael Cosgrove, Dungarvan Pastoral Area
Mr. James Ryan, Clonmel Pastoral Area
Mr. Noel Casey, Carrick-on-Suir Pastoral Area
Mr. David Janes, Mid-Waterford Pastoral Area
Mr. James Bennett, West Waterford Pastoral Area
Mr. Kevin Kelly, Aglish Pastoral Area
Mr. Richard Power, Touraneena/Fourmilwater Pastoral Area

Representatives of Senate of Priests:
Fr. Pat Fitzgerald, St. Paul’s
Fr. Paul Waldron, Cathedral

Religious Representatives:
Sr. De Lourdes Breen
Sr. Anne Hayes

Representatives from various Diocesan Ministries
Ms. Avril Halley, Safeguarding Co-ordinator
Ms. Ann O’Farrell, Family Ministry
Fr. Liam Power, Pastoral Development
Sr. Antoinette Dilworth, Primary Catechetics
Mary Dee, Liturgy

Bishops Nominees
Mr. Michael Long
Ms. Maria Meehan
Mr. Joseph McCormack




The office for Pastoral Development is located at St. John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford. Please contact Fr. Liam Power at 051-874199 or 087-2899843.