Parish Faith Reps

The origins of Parish Faith Reps in the Diocese
Parish Faith Reps are a relatively new volunteer role within the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore, stemming from the Ascend Strategic Plan for Youth & Young Adult Ministry launched in March 2023.

Use the drop down menus below to learn more about the role and how it currently operates in our parishes.

What is a Parish Faith Rep?
  • Parish Faith Reps are:
    • volunteers at Parish level who feel called to walk with young people on their journey of faith in some way, trained and supported by the diocese for an initial commitment of two years which can be extended.
    • people who see the need to encourage and mentor young people in their faith and are willing to do what they can, with the time and the gifts they have available to them.
    • also part of the diocesan team for youth and young adult ministry at ground level, and where possible, lend a hand with diocesan level projects if they are free to do so.
  • The role of a Parish Faith Rep varies greatly from parish to parish, rather than there being one prescriptive model for all parishes.  Each parish has different needs, resources and abilities.  
  • Our hope is that Parish Faith Reps would work together collaboratively across parish boundaries where possible, meeting the needs of young people in their area.
Examples of what Parish Faith Reps can be involved in:

Every parish is different. Every Faith Rep is different. So far we have seen much fruit from the Faith Rep model in parishes, and are excited for what is yet to come. We believe in the value of small, concrete steps to build a solid foundation at parish and diocesan level.

What kind of qualifications are needed?

We don’t look for academic qualifications. We’re not looking for theologians, liturgists, catechists or bible scholars (although if you are one, you’re welcome!)

Our criteria for recruitment involves answering yes to each of the following questions:

  • Are you a person of faith who upholds the teachings of the Catholic Church?
  • Have you a heart for young people?
  • Can you work as a member of a team in your parish, supported by your Parish Priest?
  • Do you buy into the Ascend vision for youth and young adult ministry in the diocese? (More info here)
  • Are you open to guidance and formation?


Faith Reps must be over the age of 18 for safeguarding reasons, but there is no upper age limit,

Faith Reps can be people at any stage or life or any walk of life: employed / unemployed / retired / married / single / religious…

What does the training involve?

Training takes place on four full Saturdays in March, April, May and September.  One session is dedicated to Diocesan Safeguarding Training and is facilitated by the Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator.  The other sessions are faciliated by members of the Strategic Task Force for Youth & Young Adult Ministry in the Diocese and cover a wide range of topics. Each session presents icebreaker ideas, a style of prayer, practical input and a theory-based input.

Topics covered during training:

  • The Ascend Vision
  • Safeguarding Training
  • Overview of Prayer
    • Lectio Divina
    • Prayer Spaces
    • Guided Meditation
  • Addressing Fears around Faith Rep role
  • Understanding Gen Z and Gen Alpha
  • Walking with young people:
    • moving from Noticed to Named to Known
    • listening skills
    • authenticity
    • building connection and trust
    • how to share your testimony
    • small group facilitation
  • Example of a Youth Programme e.g. Alpha Youth Life Essentials
  • Pope John Paul II Awards
  • Being involved in a Ministry
    • Suitability / Responsibility



Due to the condensed nature of the training, prospective Faith Reps must attend a minimum of 3 full sessions and a make-up session on zoom for any session they may have had to miss. If someone must miss 2 training sessions out of 4, they will not be eligible for commissioning in September 2025.


2025 Training Dates:

  • Saturday 22nd March (10 – 5)
  • 12th April (10 – 5)
  • 17th May (10 – 5)
  • 13th September (10 – 5)

Make up session: 16th September (7.00 – 9.00)

What level of Safeguarding is needed?
  • All volunteers / staff who work with those under the age of 18 at parish / diocesan level need to be Garda vetted (vetting is valid for three years) and have received Diocesan Safeguarding training, as well as complete the necessary volunteer forms and adhere to Code of Conduct for Adults
  • All of this will part of the training process.
  • Parish Faith Reps will also need to provide two referees on the application with knowledge of your skills and experience relevant to this post. (One can be your parish priest)  Please ask their permission before noting them as referees.
How do I become a Parish Faith Rep?


  • First Step: Speak to your parish priest to express your interest and chat about possibilities for the role in the parish.  Priests will have copies of the application form from January onwards. We cannot accept applications unless that initial conversation has been had at local level with your parish priest.
  • Our deadline for recruitment for 2025 is Friday 21st February
  • Information Sessions:  10/2/25: St John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford X91HW9D at 8.30pm and 17/2/25: Zoom at 7.30pm (email for zoom link)
  • To apply you must receive a form from your parish priest which he must also sign before you return it to Nodlaig Lillis, St John’s Parish Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford X91 HW9D
  • If you have questions, attend an information session on zoom or in person, or reach out to us at



  • Applications will be reviewed by the Strategic Task Force for Youth and Young Adult Ministry at the end of February and you will be contacted re: selection in early March.



  • From March to September is a discernment period for prospective Faith Reps and the Strategic Task Force in light of the Ascend Strategic Plan for Youth & Young Adult Ministry
  • Being part of the training process does not automatically lead to commissioning but rather provides a space for the individual and the team to discover the suitability of the candidate for this particular role in the parish or discovering where else their gifts may lie and they may be fruitfully involved in their own parish area.  
  • If at the end of the 4th training session someone feels the timing is not right for them either for this role, or if the team discern that the role is not a suitable one for a particular candidate, there are other options available. We are grateful for what they brought to the training process and encourage them to see is there another way they can contribute to the faith life of their parish, through prayer or active service and encourage them to see how they can still support youth in their parish even without a commissioned role.
  • From past experience the training process has been a really enriching time personally and faith-wise for each of our Faith Reps, and many who were initially unsure about whether they could offer anything in their parish found confidence and courage to start somewhere during this six month process!
I'm a busy person: how much time would I need for it?

We understand that life is busy and that’s one of the reasons the role of a Faith Rep isn’t defined by programmes, time commitments or expectations.

The training and discernment takes place over four full Saturdays (10am – 4.30 or 5pm) in March, April, May and September.  

Whatever time you can give the role is what we look for. 

  • If you only have time to update a parish noticeboard once a week or as posters become available, that’s perfect!
  • If you have time to reach out to youth and young adults in your parish and invite them to upcoming events, that’s fantastic! 
  • If you have more time to invest in youth events or even a youth group, that’s amazing!


We will be delighted with whatever amount of time you can commit. Remember, it’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness! Let’s get lots of candles of faith lighting across the diocese for our young people.

Is there ongoing support?

Ongoing support is offered to our Faith Reps post-commissioning in a number of ways.

  • Firstly, we encourage Faith Reps to build links at parish level.
  • Members of the Strategic Task Force for Youth & Young Adult Ministry in the diocese like to meet with the Faith Rep(s) in a parish and their parish priest to discuss possibilities in that particular parish and suggest some starting points.
  • Ongoing training sessions are offered throughout the year on zoom and in person, tailoring to the needs of the Faith Reps and their feedback.
  • A half-day Advent Retreat for Faith Reps is offered annually in St Mary’s Abbey, Glencairn, and a summer social gathering at Mount Melleray Abbey.
  • Faith Reps are divided into cluster areas for further support and mentoring by members of the Strategic Task Force and a cluster meeting is planned in Spring for each area.
  • Monthly Prayer and Encouragement (PE) sessions will operate from January onwards one Monday night for 45 minutes for those Faith Reps who would like to attend, where we pray together, present topics of interest and field Q&A to support each others.
  • Faith Reps also have a WhatsApp group for ideas and questions, and receive regular mailouts from the Youth & Young Adult Ministry Officer.

Not everyone can attend everything, which is perfectly understandable, but we encourage our faith reps to keep connected in with us and with other Faith Reps for support and encouragement, and are always at the end of a phone call / text or email to offer advice and support. It’s a team effort!

What parishes currently have Parish Faith Reps?

“It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness!”


I can't be a Faith Rep but can I help in other ways?

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

We would love if you could support us in any way you can!

  • Can you pray for your Faith Reps and the young people in your parish?  
  • Could you be part of a team in a parish to support your Faith Rep(s) as particular needs arise e.g. help with hospitality for an event, help with set up, help with supervision, be part of a brainstorming process, help with fundraisers?
  • Can you encourage any young people or young adults you know to link in with the diocese on our website or social media accounts so they know what options are there for them to explore their faith?
  • Can you be a joyful witness to faith in your own parish and offer an encouraging smile or word of affirmation to the young people you see participating in parish life?
  • Would you like to adopt a parish spiritually in the diocese and include them in your daily prayers, thinking especially of the young people, priests, faith reps, schools in that parish? If so, contact 
  • Can you donate to help cover the costs of youth and young adult ministry in the diocese? Each year we run events and pilgrimages for young people, produce resources and promotional material and the cost adds up.  If you’re in a position to donate any amount you can do so in the following ways:
    • Option 1: Electronic transfer:
      • IBAN: IE37AIBK93427533306083     |     BIC: AIBKIE2D
      • A/C NAME: Waterford & Lismore Youth Ministry     |     BANK: AIB The Quay, Waterford
    • Option 2: Cheques / drafts can be made payable to Waterford & Lismore Youth Ministry and posted to Youth & Young Adult Ministry, St John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford X91 HW9D
Strategic Plan Prayer for Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Father of Kindness, You have created the hearts of our young people to know, love and serve You. We thank You for blessing us with the privilege of intentionally walking with them on their journey of faith and offering meaningful opportunities to encounter Jesus in their lives. 

Jesus, grant that we may reflect You and Your love to all we encounter. You are the Way for those who need guidance. You are the Light in the darkness for those who are lost. You are the Truth that cuts through the confusion and doubt. 

Holy Spirit, guide our thoughts, words, actions and intentions, that all we do may be for the greater glory of God.

Mother Mary, be a mother to our youth and let them feel the warmth of your maternal embrace. 

We ask this through the intercession of St John Paul II, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Blessed Carlo Acutis, Blessed Chiara Luce Badano, St Declan, St Carthage, St Otteran, St Ita, Our Lady of Knock, St Joseph and St John the Evangelist. Amen 
