
Presentation on the recent diocesan trip to Kenya

A presentation will be given by the team of teachers, the Diocesan Advisor, the head of Mary's Meals Ireland and Bishop Cullinan on the recent trip to the Diocese of Lodwar, Kenya which took place in July this year.  This presentation will take place in...

Singing through our Liturgical Seasons

Our music workshop for choirs will take place on Saturday 1st October.  Registration will begin at 10am with the workshop starting at 10.30am.  It is envisaged that it will end at 1pm approximately.  The fee for the workshop is €10 which will include...

Ukranian Community celebrate Divine Liturgy

On Sunday August 21st, the Ukranian community in Waterford celebrated the Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, Waterford.   Mass was celebrated in the Bizantine Rite by Fr. Andrii.  Pictures show the community gathered in the Cathedral...

Ukranian Catholic Clergy visit to Ireland

As large numbers of Ukranian people have recently come to Ireland, it has prompted the Ukranian Catholic Church to conduct an assessment of their spiritual needs and how these may be met. This has involved a visit to Ireland by Ukranian Catholic clergy and the...