Healing Service – Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity
Youth Adoration in Tramore, December 5th
Advent Reflection – The Web of Life
Advent Reflection - THE WEB OF LIFE The transforming vision of the WEB OF LIFE heightens our awareness that the threads of our own individual lives are interrelated with all aspect of life and guides us to a deeper understanding of who we...
Making Room for Christ in the Inn of Our Hearts Evening of Reflection – 2nd December
RTE Mass for Carlo Acutis from Ardfinnan
Mass on RTE News on Monday will be offered from Ardfinnan in thanksgiving for the news from the Vatican that Carlo Acutis will be canonised next April. Fr Michael Toomey will give a brief homily about this millennial soon to be Saint Carlo, and the impact his short...
Mass on RTE News on Monday will be offered from Ardfinnan in thanksgiving for the news from The Vatican that Carlo Acutis will be canonised next April. Fr Michael Toomey will give a brief homily about this millennial soon to be Saint Carlo, and the...