
Journey through Lent with a daily reflection

Lent begin next Wednesday, March 2nd.  Click HERE for a daily reflection through each week and make space for prayer in your Lenten journey. (A copy is also available from your Parish Church this weekend).  

Exploring Priesthood – Zoom with Seminarians and Priests

On Tuesday 1st March @ 8pm there will be an opportunity for young men to join in on a Zoom to find out more about priesthood and to hear directly from two young men who are currently studying for the priesthood in our National Seminary in Maynooth. The event is being...

Book Launch – ‘Come drink at the Fount’

A new book has been written by Canon Edmond Cullinan entitled 'Come drink at the Fount'.  Christian spirituality seeks to respond to a thirst, which is, ultimately, a thirst for God. Carmelite spirituality is particularly accessible because it has been expressed...