Called2Mission is a Catholic website dedicated to exploring the theme of personal vocation, with a special focus on engaging young Catholic adults. The site offers resources, reflections, and practical guidance aimed at helping individuals discover and live...
Young Adult
Youth 2000 Christmas Retreat for 16 – 35 year olds: 6th – 8th December
Click here to register.
Youth Adoration in Tramore, December 5th
RTE Mass for Carlo Acutis from Ardfinnan
Mass on RTE News on Monday will be offered from Ardfinnan in thanksgiving for the news from the Vatican that Carlo Acutis will be canonised next April. Fr Michael Toomey will give a brief homily about this millennial soon to be Saint Carlo, and the impact his short...
Upcoming Events for Youth and Young Adults Nov / Dec
Encounter for Young Adults: 22nd November
Novena to Blessed Carlo Acutis
Would you like to support young people in this diocese in their journey of faith? Join us in praying a Novena to Blessed Carlo Acutis ahead of his feast day on October 12th! Download the prayers here.
Twelve new Parish Faith Reps commissioned on Friday night
On Friday 20th September 12 new Parish Faith Reps were commissioned by Bishop Cullinan in the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, committing two years to collaborating with the Ascend Strategic Plan for Youth & Young Adult Ministry in a voluntary capacity in their...
Upcoming events for Teens and Young Adults