Join the Servant Brothers and Sisters of the Home of the Mother for weekly formation meetings online: The Servant Priests and Brothers of the Home of the Mother offer every week a formation meetings for boys, aged from 14-17...
Second Level
Family Day at Holy Family Mission
Family Days are back at Holy Family Mission! Prayer, Mass, Music, Drama, Fun and Games for all the Family! Sunday May 8th, 10am - 3pm Bring a packed lunch! Booking is essential: 052 6133181 or [email protected]
Holy Family Mission Applications for 2022/2023
The Application Process for Irish (and EU) Applicants for Holy Family Mission (2022/2023) opens today, March 1st. Check out for more information!
“The Chosen” Series starts this week
Two options to join a new study series on "The Chosen", starting this week! What is "The Chosen"? "Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him. No matter where you are at in your journey with...