
Ukranian Catholic Clergy visit to Ireland

As large numbers of Ukranian people have recently come to Ireland, it has prompted the Ukranian Catholic Church to conduct an assessment of their spiritual needs and how these may be met. This has involved a visit to Ireland by Ukranian Catholic clergy and the...

Diocesan Trip to Kenya

Kenya visit report by Bishop Phonsie................ On Monday 18th July, a small group from Waterford and Lismore Diocese arrived back in Ireland from a trip to Kenya.  Five of us had gone out, two secondary school teachers, the Diocesan Advisor for Secondary...

St. Declan of Ardmore

The feast of St. Declan will be celebrated as a Solemnity in the Diocese of Waterford on Sunday 24th July.  Mass at Toor well, Aglish,  will be celebrated on Thursday 22nd July at 12 noon. An information leaflet on the life of St. Declan my be downloaded by...

Diocesan Synthesis

Over the past month, faith conversations took place around the diocese as we began to form our Diocesan Synthesis for the Synod.  Thank you to everyone who took part in this process and to those who helped the Diocesan Task Force Team to complete the project on...

Day of Reflection for those in Parish Ministry

A day of reflection has been organised for all those in parish ministry on Saturday 25th June at 10.30am in Mount Melleray Abbey.  The day will be facilitated by Sr. Marie Fahy, Abbess at Glencairn Abbey. Please call 051-874199 or email...

World Communications Day – May 29th

On Sunday, May 29th, we celebrate of Solemnity of The Ascension of the Lord. We are also keeping in mind World Communications Day. Last year we reflected on the need to “Come and See” in order to discover reality and be able to recount it beginning with experiencing...