
Proclaiming God’s Word – A time to Reflect

A morning of reflection for those who proclaim God's word in our Churches has been organised in St. Mary's Abbey, Glencairn on Saturday 24th November.  Details are outlined below.   Spaces are limited, so please book early.  

Holy Souls Novena

Please click HERE to download a Novena for the Holy Souls that you may pray in your home each day for any nine days during November. We remember them.  May they rest in peace.    

Donations for World Missions

World Mission Sunday was celebrated last Sunday, 23rd October and it is the Pope’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. All offerings made become part of the Holy Father’s Universal Solidarity Fund supporting missionary activities in over 1,100...

Church Bells to ring for Peace on 11th November

The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference recently decided that on Saturday 11 November 2023, at 11.00 am, coinciding with the end of the First World War, cathedrals and parish churches will ring church bells as a call for peace and an end to war.  The following...

Vacancy – Maintenance Assistant

Vacancy:  Maintenance Assistant - St Johns Pastoral Centre COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME This is a developmental opportunity, no experience necessary.  Accredited training will be provided to support your career.  Duties Open and close...

Fundraising Initiative for the Sisters of Mary Morning Star

We, the sisters of Mary Morning Star, are an international contemplative community. We live at the former Franciscan Friary in the center of Waterford city. At present, we pray in a small oratory in the convent which is too small for us to be able to welcome others....

Synod Moment of Prayer – September 30th

Together – Gathering of the People of God An ecumenical prayer vigil to entrust to the Holy Spirit the works of the first session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 2023) of the Roman Catholic Church takes place on 30th...