Lectio Divina beginning in September

Lectio Divina, hosted by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Lectio Divina is a time of reading the Sunday gospel, prayer and sharing, followed by conversation over a cuppa. As always, come whenever you can. Bring a friend. We look forward to sharing the...

“Play for Vocations” Golf Event

Purpose of event:  To get people thinking, talking, and praying for vocations. “Play for Vocations.”  Wednesday July 20th.  Kilkenny Golf Club.  2 - 4 pm. €60 euro for golf, meal and prizes for all. To book your tee time tel: 051874463...

“Check it out” Events Bulletin

Download the latest Diocesan Events bulletin for 1st July at https://waterfordlismore.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/July-1st-Diocesan-Events-Bulletin.pdf  You can also subscribe to receive this fortnightly bulletin emailed direct to your inbox by clicking here.