
Tramore Parish Alpha Programme

Tramore Parish Alpha programme begins on Monday 10th January and continues for 13 weeks.   Come and enjoy music, videos and discussion on Christian topics with Tramore Alpha online through Zoom. Starts on Monday 10th January – 7.30pm – 8.40pm for Jan, Feb...

Alpha – how does Faith fit into my everyday life?

Alpha – how does Faith fit into my everyday life?

New Year - A fresh start to look again and see how faith fits into my everyday Life. Would you consider spending 11 Tuesday evenings investing your time in exploring how faith can relate to your life in normal but powerful ways.? This can happen online from the...

Ephiphany House Blessing for 2022

Ephiphany House Blessing for 2022

(Courtesy of Irish Catholic Bishops Website) There is a custom of blessing homes on the Feast of the Epiphany (6 January) when the family gather to ask God’s blessing on their home and family life. It is an invitation for Jesus to be a daily guest in our homes....